The odds are that a poly crisis is on the way and church leaders must equip their congregations with the Word of God and teach them how to stand against the powers of darkness that are on the move. Through God's mighty power, we can pull down strongholds and be victorious!
Polycrisis is a term used to describe a situation in which multiple, complex, and interconnected problems arise at the same time that lead to major crisis. The Apostle Paul voiced a concern warning of perilous times in the last days (2 Timothy 3:1). Christ also prophesied of kingdoms against kingdoms, both of which are signs that we are entering an age of polycrisis (Matthew 24:7). More on this in a minute.
As church leaders, we must be prepared to face this new reality with spiritual preparedness and equipping of the saints for the work of ministry and how to wage war against principalities and powers in the unseen spiritual world. There is little doubt that we are in a spiritual war. (There are many things happening that just don't make any sense.)
Said another way, church leaders must equip their congregations with the Word of God and teach them their spiritual authority and to attack demonic powers in the Name of Jesus that are behind the scenes trying to destroy western culture, which has its foundation in the Word of God.
Equipping congregations with the tools to recognize the enemy’s tactics is also essential, as in emphasizing the need to stay spiritually prepared and equipped to face the challenges of these times. This includes teaching them how to recognize, discern, and resist the enemy’s tactics, such as fear, lies, and deception.
Creating an atmosphere of prayer and intercession in congregations is also important in order to remain connected to God and stay in tune with His will. The Bible says the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous makes much power available (James 5:6).
Church leaders should also focus on teaching their congregations how to attack demonic powers that are behind the scenes trying to destroy Christian influence. Jesus taught about authority, binding, and loosing. Finally, church leaders should constantly remind their congregations that they are not alone in this battle and that God is with us and He will never leave us or forsake us.
It's also vital that all Christ's disciples be filled with the Holy Ghost. Jesus said, you shall receive power after the Holy Spirit has come on you (Acts 1:8). As church leaders, we must remain vigilant and stay prepared for any poly crisis events. To make it clear, a polycrisis is when there are multiple crisis at the same time. We must equip our congregations with the tools they need to be victorious in the spiritual warfare they will face. This includes teaching them the Word of God and the importance of prayer and fellowship in order to stay connected to God and each other. Disciples of Christ must take their callings seriously. Unity in the days ahead will be attacked like never before. We will see multiple battles with massive problems coming all at the same time. This is the definition of a polycrisis. Nevertheless, if God is for us, who can be against us?
Additionally, church leaders should emphasize the need to remain spiritually prepared and equipped to face the challenges of these times. By doing this, congregations will be better equipped to navigate the difficult times of any polycrisis and be victorious in spiritual warfare. It's time to take a stand (Ephesians 6:13). The Bible says the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God in the pulling down of strongholds. Lets be the church that Christ said he would build that the gates of hell would not prevail against. It's time to gear up.
Your partner,
(c) Apostle Jonas Clark