Are you feeling lonely or controlled by someone? You may be dealing with the Jezebel spirit. With the right steps, you can break free from this spirit and reclaim your life! Loneliness sets you up for the Jezebel spirit to release witchcraft against your mind and emotions.
You can stop Jezebel's witchcraft right now. The Jezebel spirit releases witchcraft against your mind and emotions. The purpose of the witchcraft is to wear you down little by little to control your life. Witchcraft is one of the demon spirits in Jezebel’s network.
When you first meet Jezebel, she is kind, flattering, and ministered to something inside you. She solved problems, came up with ideas and offered valuable insight. You felt finally someone understood you. You found a friend and companion. As time went by something happened, Jezebel changed. She turned on you with a cold shoulder instead of a warm smile. Imaginations ran wild, and you wondered what you did. Rejection, hurt, puzzlement, and pain surface from within. You are now ready for Phase Two of Jezebel’s control.
For a person to be overcome by the Jezebel spirit, they must fulfill certain conditions. Through witchcraft, the Jezebel spirit wants you to “give ground”. That means you slowly but surely give way to Jezebel’s influence.
The Jezebel spirit wants to steal your will to make decisions on your own. This is a “process” that takes a time to accomplish. First, Jezebel uses seduction. Seduction most always comes through some form of flattery. Flattery is a compliment or something that makes you feel good about yourself. Everyone likes a pat on the back for a job well done, but it’s the motive behind Jezebel’s complement we must discern.
Jezebel’s witchcraft is looking for “something in you” to grab hold of. In the process of time, Jezebel becomes someone you admire and a companion that you look to for counsel. Little by little she becomes your teacher and instructor while helping you make decisions. You see her as offering spiritual insight, counsel, wisdom, direction, and security. She may even give prophetic words of confirmation and direction. But, as already said, then one day something changes and confusion hits your mind, condemnation begins to set in, you feel insecure, tired, emotionally drained and ready to give up. You stop making decisions on your own and look to Jezebel to make decisions for you.
Something is happening to you. You notice Jezebel has replaced all other authority figures in your life including friends, parents, spouse and pastor. Bit by bit you feel the strength drained out of you, everything is your fault. Jezebel wants to know everything. She calls, she doesn’t call. You text her, but she doesn’t respond. Information that once fueled her to help is now used to beat you up until finally you give up and surrender your will. Jezebel’s witchcraft has finished its job. You are now Jezebel’s eunuch. Your life is not your own.
Jezebel’s eunuchs want to be controlled. Eunuchs don’t want Godly counsel or wisdom they want someone to make decisions for them. This is the fruit of Jezebel’s witchcraft because eunuchs have given up their wills to the Jezebel long ago. Eunuchs just look for another controller.
Eunuchs surrender their will to Jezebel and allow her to make final decisions. As the witchcraft beats you down, you slowly give ground. A Christian should surrender only to Christ, not to Jezebel. Jezebel’s witchcraft releases confusion, loss of personal identity, and emotional dullness. The dullness is similar to a drunken stupor.
Some ask if they should stay in a church when the leadership has a Jezebel spirit. Let’s ask some practical questions. Why should someone stay? Why should someone leave? What would be the result if you left or if you left, and a family member stayed? Here are some testimonies from those that struggled with the decision.
Patricia wrote that her “family left a church that had the Jezebel spirit in leadership. We confronted it but it was always swept under the rug so we left after much prayer. Since then the family has grown spiritually and is being used mightily!”
Another writes, “It depends on the circumstances. In my experience our pastors were under the influence of Jezebel and had many eunuchs. The Holy Spirit revealed this truth to me. My husband was seeing things but was not able to accept it and put it all together so I had to stand in battle for two years praying for God to reveal this truth to him. I could not leave because Jezebel had already tried to interfere in our marriage and if I had left who knows what would have happened to our marriage and family. So I dug in my heels, stood and fought because this demonic wicked spirit was not getting my husband and it wasn't getting my family. I kept my kids with me on the pew out of their reach and stood in battle during every church service praying for my husband and others in the congregation. This is a short version but there are cases when you have to stand and fight because if you walk away then you leave those who do not see the truth in the hands of the wicked.”
Jamie said, “I left a church that had a spirit of control. You felt the life sucked out of you but I also knew I needed to be led by the Holy Ghost to leave. God did lead and amazing doors opened for me. I needed to be led by Holy Spirit to leave, just to know I was in the will of God and not be tormented after. David served Saul even when Saul was under the influence of an evil spirit. Having that said, Jesus taught not to tolerate the Jezebel spirit.”
Some won’t confront the Jezebel spirit because they don’t like confrontation. That’s normal because no one does, but you can’t ignore this spirit. Sometimes it takes confrontation to get free. No one should let Devils control their lives. “If the Son, therefore, shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36). Don’t take this the wrong way but staying in a church with Jezebel leadership is a spiritual death sentence. Life is too short to put up with spiritual abuse. If you are in a church controlled by the Jezebel spirit, get out now and don’t look back.
The Jezebel spirit will target the lonely. Helping people is a Christian trait. Reaching out to the lonely with the wrong motive is not. Every minister should point people to Christ, the author and the finisher of their faith. Jezebel creates codependent followers through emotional manipulation. Emotional manipulation is witchcraft in operation. Jezebel doesn't point people to Jesus; she talks about Jesus. She leads people to herself. Here are testimonies of lonely people that have met a Jezebel spirit.
“I met a gal during one of the worst times in my life that helped me tremendously. Over time I felt controlled and saw how she used helping me as a way to make her feel good. Her temperament at first was meek and kind. Underneath, however, she was passive aggressive.
As time went by I started to become confused, angry and frustrated from her mixed messages. I could feel her control. At one point I told her she had a religious sprit, was anorexic, and needed help. I pulled away. Even now it is difficult cutting away because she was so kind. I have a hard time saying she had this spirit but she was so calculating. Even writing this I’m feeling frustrated and angered again. I told her we could not fellowship unless she got some professional help. She has brain knowledge without spiritual freedom. I don’t think she tries to control me deliberately. She was sexually abused and hates herself. She was also raised in religion.”
Feeling sorry for people can be a trap. So can loneliness. Minister to people as “unto the Lord.” Again, the motive is important. Keep it pure. Point people to Jesus as “author and finisher of their faith.”
“I was lonely and Jezebel beat me down emotionally. I am a firm believer that people need people. But the Jezebel spirit wants to control and create codependency. When control entangles a relationship you have to pull away. You can tell something is wrong when you start feeling drained. Jezebel will zap the energy right out of you. I have moved to another city and feel lonelier than ever. This is a trap for me because I need a friend.”
The witchcraft control from the Jezebel spirit lingers. Use your spiritual authority to use the Name of Jesus and break the influence. Jezebel has several faces. When she manifest, you need to leave the relationship.
“When I was at a low point in my life and feeling lonely that’s when Jezebel entered my life. At first she seemed like the perfect friend and an answer to prayer. As time went by she slowly changed and started putting me down and being cold with me. She was warm one day and cold and witchy the next. She was kind of like Jekyll and Hyde. I don’t think she deliberately set out to hurt me. I just think it was the spirit controlling her and I know she had issues such as being sexually and possibly emotionally and physically abused as a child. I still pray for her that she finds freedom.”
If you are the sort of person who does not make friends easily and struggles with rejection you are vulnerable to people who carry the Jezebel spirit. Stay away from this “witchy” spirit.
“I have had the same experience even to the point where this person wanted control of my finances and would abuse me and my children. It took me years to recover from the hurt and pain of that situation. I had to ask the Lord to help me forgive this person for what it did to me and my family. The list goes on and on.”
It’s clear that the Jezebel spirit releases witchcraft against your mind and emotions. Don’t give into this spirit's manipulation. Stay away from Jezebel’s network.
Your partner,
(c) Apostle Jonas Clark -STAY INFORMED