Women have long served in ministry and religious service, with examples of faithful women found in both the Old and New Testaments. From Deborah to Priscilla to Huldah, these women demonstrate the importance of women in ministry and how God's love is extended to all, regardless of gender. Let's take a look.
The role of women in ministry has been a long-contested issue in many religious circles. From the earliest days of Christianity, women have had roles in ministry and religious service. Throughout the Bible, there are passages that demonstrate the importance of women in ministry.
In the Old Testament, Deborah was praised for being a ‘mother in Israel’ (Judges 5:7). Miriam was recognized as a prophet (Exodus 15:20) and Huldah as a teacher (2 Kings 22:14). Similarly, the New Testament speaks of female teachers, such as Priscilla (Romans 16:3) and Junia (Romans 16:7), and female deacons, such as Phoebe (Romans 16:1).
Jesus himself often used women as examples of faith and obedience, and he chose women to be the first to proclaim the resurrection (John 20:17–18). These passages demonstrate that, while Jesus did include women in his ministry, they were not excluded from it either.
In fact, Scripture shows that women have long had roles in ministry and religious service. This is further supported by Paul’s words in Galatians 3:28, which emphasize that, "there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
Ultimately, the debate over women in ministry is an important one, and it is likely to continue for some time. However, it is important to remember that, regardless of one’s particular view, God’s love and grace are extended to all people, regardless of gender. The church is a place of grace, and it should be a place where all are welcome and accepted.
Finally, I am thankful that women are in ministry today. All over the world, there are women who have remained faithful to the Holy Spirit in worshipping God and ministering to the needs of the people. Let us continue to pray that all women in ministry will be empowered by the Holy Spirit to further the Kingdom of God and serve the church in powerful and effective ways.
Your partner,
(c) Apostle Jonas Clark