Are you choosing your relationships wisely and investing in positive and meaningful relationships? At our men's meeting we gathered to discuss the qualities of the men we want in our lives. The discussion was full of wisdom and insight as each man shared the traits that he found admirable and valued.
Everyone agreed on the importance of having honest, respectful, responsible, moral, and forgiving men in our lives. We also agreed that having men who serve God, keep their word, are consistent, stable, and not hypocritical is essential.
Furthermore, we agreed that we want men who are good listeners, willing to learn, real and transparent, good husbands, creative, ambitious, and influential, but not selfish. Finally, we agreed that having men who are warriors, sincere, loyal, hardworking, and full of integrity is of the utmost importance.
Again, the question was asked, "What are the qualities of those men you want in your life?" Here is the list.
Honest, Corrects, Respectful, Responsible, Serves God, Moral, Word is good, Forgiving, Consistent, Stable, Not hypocrite, Listener, Learner, Real and transparent, Good husband, Creative, Ambitious, Influencer, Not selfish, Warrior, Sincere, Loyal, and Hard working.
t was also discussed that it was good to edit our relationships. Just as Christ had a different relationship with the multitudes, the 70 disciples, the 12 apostles, and the three (Peter, James, and John), It was evident that not everyone has the same influence. Some are positive, and some are negative.
The discussion of editing our relationships was meant to emphasize the importance of surrounding ourselves with positive Christian influences. Not everyone we encounter will have the same positive influence on us, and it is important to recognize who we should invest in and who we should limit our contact with.
Your partner,
(c) Apostle Jonas Clark