The benefits of sonship are terrific, but there is something you need to guard yourself against, the twin pitfalls of sonship. Familiarity and presumption are two major traps of sonship. Developing relationships is a lot of work and fundamental in apostolic ministries.
There are many reasons for not raising sons and daughters including a lack of those who want to be raised by true spiritual fathers and an increase of rebellion in the heart of God’s children. Some true fathers, while training spiritual sons and daughters, have displayed their humanity only to find some not able to handle their transparency. Relationships are tested.
Mark Twain the famous author wrote, “Familiarity breeds contempt.” Contempt is disrespectful behavior that leads to presumptuous actions. This is the pitfall of sonship that causes you to take your spiritual father for granted. King Saul took Samuel for granted. He entered the realm of presumption assuming a role of ministry that didn’t belong to him and lost his kingship. Jesus could do no mighty works in his hometown because they thought of him as the carpenter’s son, not the only begotten son of God.
Sonship is a beautiful thing to achieve and unlocks worlds of opportunity for you. Jesus never entered his ministry until He was first called a son (Matthew 17:5). He is our prototype son that was anointed with the Holy Ghost and power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him (Acts 10:38). You, too, can become a spiritual son or daughter. Beware, however, the dangers of familiarity and presumption.
You need a spiritual father in your life. Spiritual fathers raise learning, growing, thinking, imaginative people. The new apostolic reformation includes restoration of spiritual fathers, sons and daughters. Perhaps the Holy Spirit has been turning your heart as you read this essay. If so, remember sonship begins with serving your man of God.
Find a five-fold ascension gift and pursue the gift of God in him. Serving is the entrance to sonship. Jesus was always connected to his father. Get connected through serving. When you are around him, be ready to learn and draw on his gift. Sons catch the spirit that’s on their fathers. You can’t catch what you’re not around. You can expect him to give you assignments. When he does, fulfill them with excellence. Be like Joshua, the one who lead the children of Israel into the Promise Land. He was first called the servant of Moses. Today he is remembered as one of God’s greatest leaders.
© Your partner,
Apostle Jonas Clark