In life, there are many distractions, entanglements, and detours. Getting your act together will help tremendously. To accomplish that requires a life plan having goals and focus. Focus is the ability to see without distraction. Planning out your life can be difficult in a world filled with many obstacles. Nevertheless, Christians have the advantage of guiding truth.
That guiding truth is the word of God. Listen up, the word of God has been around much longer than you have been alive. Within the word of God is truth. It’s filled with direction, purpose, insight, revelation, how-to's and much more. When you learn to renew your mind with the word of God you have a real advantage over the vain propaganda of worldly reprobates. By renewing your mind to exchange doubt, gloom, and doom, into a faith-filled desire to change the world. To make your life more filed and help make the world a better place.
Your life is full of choices. When you step back and look at your life right now you discover it’s the product of decisions and choices. Decisions and choices are paths to destinations. This is why it's so important to submit yourself to God and allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you into truth. The world doesn’t have your back. The world is full of false motives, carnal thinking, and choices that led you into dire eternal consequences. When you choose to submit yourself to the guiding word of God tremendous clarity and resolve will follow. Get focused, avoid entanglements, and steer away from worldly detours.
God is the great creator of all things good. Think of him not only as a creator but designer. He designed you for victory. It’s the world that wants to take your God-given life trophy away. Stand firm in the word of God. Let it buttress all your decisions, goals, and aspirations. Don’t be a hearer only, but be a doer of the Word. You can do it. Start today by mapping out a Bible plan for your life. Avoid worlds darkness and walk in the light.
© Your partner,
Apostle Jonas Clark