Prophetic ministry and social media. There are a lot of prophets (and others) telling you what the Holy Spirit is saying. With the advent of social media and Facebook networking, you have the opportunity to read hundreds of prophetic decrees. Some of these are offered by terrific Spirit-filled Christians and others by unaccountable flaky Jezebels.
You will notice some prophecies conflicting, and many others simply unclear and meaningless. The Bible gives you clear instruction to “covet to prophesy,” but clearly admonishes you to “try the spirits,” and “judge all things” (1 Corinthians 14:39, 1 John 4:1, 1 Corinthians 2:15).
I’m most comfortable with the written Word of God, but love to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to others. That means I compare what I hear with what’s written in the Bible while looking for that inner witness and still small voice of confirmation from the Holy Spirit in my spirit.
There are several different types of prophecies you will read on social media such as Facebook. Some prophecies are for the entire Church universal, some regional and territorial, some for a local church, some for particular kingdoms such as the political, educational, or financial, and others more family specific, or personal. So when you read a prophecy, it’s important to determine what audience that prophetic word is for. The most common prophetic words on social media are directive, ambiguous, confirming, or just plain wrong.{module Next Level Prophetic Value Kit}
The most dangerous prophecies are what I call directive prophecy. Directive prophecy is when a prophet says the Holy Spirit wants you to do such and such. Directive prophecy is very personal. It can be a great blessing or incredibly destructive.
Ambiguous prophesies are very common and can be interpreted a hundred different ways. The unstable seem to relish in these. In my opinion, these should only be rejected and ignored.
Other prophetic words include confirmations of what the Holy Spirit has already said to you. These are for “edification, extortion, and comfort” (1 Corinthians 14:3). These three words are foundational in the study of prophetic ministry.
Others prophecies are just dead wrong and contrary to the Word of God. This is another good reason to study the Bible. Paul taught his spiritual son, Timothy, to study that he might rightly divide the word of truth (1 Timothy 2:15).
As you can read, the prophetic ministry can be a beautiful experience with the Holy Spirit or a discouraging mess by the spirit of error. Social media is a great tool for evangelism and spreading the Gospel, just remember this, just because a prophetic word is on the Internet doesn’t make it truth. My recommendation is to judge every prophetic word against the Bible and the safety net of spiritual elders and the witness of the Holy Spirit within your spirit.
Your partner,
Apostle Jonas Clark