Your One Step Away From Your Breakthrough

The Holy Spirit: Amazing Power For Every Believer

 The Holy Spirit: Amazing Power For Every BelieverThe Holy Spirit. Spiritual warriors understand how to walk after the Holy Spirit. Only those that walk after the spirit, not after the soul can wage spiritual warfare against spiritual wickedness. You are a spirit, you have a soul, and you live in a body (1 Thessalonians 5:23). Your spirit man is that part of you that was born again.

Your soul houses your mind, imagination, and emotion. Your body is that part of you that connects to the natural world; your spirit is that part of you that connects to the spirit world. It is your spirit that connects with God. Spirit to spirit. Because God is a spirit, those that worship Him must worship in spirit and truth (John 4:23).

Before you became a new creature in Christ Jesus (born again), your spirit was dead in trespasses and sin. You were separated from God, spiritually blind, carnally minded, under the dominion of sin, led by sensual desire, and under the power of the evil one. You were lost. At salvation, you came out of spiritual death into His marvelous light and born into the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27). Once born again and with a new nature, your spirit was ready to become a habitation of the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, and the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Your spirit is the place of the Holy Spirit's indwelling. Paul writes, "And be not drunk with wine wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit"(Ephesians 5:18). It is interesting that Greek manuscripts do not use capital letters. When writing the English word spirit, we must determine which spirit the Scripture is referring, Holy Spirit or human spirit? I think the Bible translators struggled with this.

Ephesians 5:18, in the American Standard Version of the Bible, has written in the margin "be filled in spirit" as an alternative to “be filled with Spirit.” In other words, the Bible translators thought the Scripture could read both ways. It is clear, however, that "filled in spirit" is different that "filled with the Spirit." We know the Holy Spirit does the infilling, but we sometimes miss the place of the infilling. This is important because Apostle Paul taught much about spirit life (small s) and Spirit-led living (capital S).

The spiritual man knows the mind of Christ and how to cooperate in spirit with the Holy Spirit. Understanding how to walk after the spirit (small s) by the leading of the Holy Spirit (capital S) is essential to living a victorious Christian life. Flesh is flesh, and spirit is spirit (John 3:6).

Your spirit should rule your life, not your soul, not your intellect, and not your emotions. At the beginning of your Christian life, the primary battle was your spirit fighting against your soul. Your old nature still wanted to be in control by walking in the things of the flesh such as adultery, fornication, drunkenness, strife, uncleanness, and witchcraft.

This Scripture describes the battle. "For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit (capital S or small s?), and the Spirit against the flesh (capital S or small s?): and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that you would. But if you be led of the Spirit (capital S or small s?), ye are not under the law"(Galatians 5:17-18). Your flesh is not lusting against the Holy Spirit. This Scripture teaches that your flesh battles against your spirit. It also teaches that you can live out of your spirit being guided by the Holy Spirit. 

Spiritual warfare starts with the spirit battling for dominion over the soul and moves towards spiritual warfare fighting against demonic spirits. As already said, only those that walk after the spirit, not after the soul can wage spiritual warfare against spiritual wickedness.

Your partner,

(c) Apostle Jonas Clark


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