Prophetic imagination has no boundaries and is never hindered by a lack of education. Consider this, with imagination you can enter the past and the future. Imagination is a wonderful tool to manifest the Kingdom of God in your life. Let me explain.
After the fall in the garden of Eden man did not lose his ability to use imagination. The imagination, however, became corrupted. It could now image both good and evil. The good news is you can cast down vain imaginations and redirect your imagination to think, create, and bring forth God’s purpose for your life.
All creativity and innovation comes through prophetic imagination. Think about this, all things visible were created first in the realm of the unseen, the prophetic imagination. God created you with the ability to dream and to do great things. He continues to have high expectations. He expects you to multiply, produce, increase, subdue and take dominion of this world (Genesis 1:27). Imagine that.
As a born-again believer you are part of a royal priesthood, a priesthood of kings. Have you ever heard it said that Jesus is the King of kings and the Lord of lords? Who are these kings and rulers? The answer is you and I, born-again believers. God created you with the ability to change the world starting with your world. Nothing can stand in your way. Believe today and use your prophetic imagination to change your circumstances and order your life for Christ in a brand new way.
The power of prophetic imagination is part of your human design. You were created with the ability to be led by the Spirit of God in your inner man and created with the capacity to see all things possible within your redeemed imagination. Creation and the ability to bring forth is part of the nature of God who created all things from an image He saw and brought into being. God created you spirit, soul and body. Scripture declares, “I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 5:23).
Before you can unlock prophetic imaginations within, you need to understand your spirit design. As a born-again believer you are a spirit, you have a soul and you live in a body. Your body is not you. Your body is only the house your spirit lives in. Before you were born again your spirit man was separated from the life of God, it was dead in trespasses and sin (Ephesians 2:1). But when you repented of your sins and asked Jesus to come into your heart your spirit man came alive. Like we said in the opening chapter of this book you became a “new creature in Christ Jesus, old things are passed away behold all things are become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17). Now you have the ability to see God’s Word working in your life. You can now image “all things possible to him that believeth.” That’s the power of prophetic imagination.
Scripture declares, “A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things” (Matthew 12:35). The Greek word for treasure is thesaurus. Twenty years ago the word thesaurus would not have impacted me like it does today. As a writer I often use a thesaurus to help me. Writers use a thesaurus as a tool to aid them to be more concise and descriptive. A thesaurus is an index, a storehouse and a place for word processing. Used appropriately, it enables the skilled wordsmith to paint a full picture through the proper use of words. Jesus said that a good man has a good thesaurus, treasure. Your treasure is the repository of truth in your born-again spirit. It is the dwelling place of “all things possible,” the prophetic imagination. It is the storehouse of your dreams, imaginations and the blueprint of your future.
A good man’s treasure has tremendous value. Jesus said, “The Kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field, the which when a man hath found he hideth and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath and buyeth that field” (Matthew 13:44). Jesus taught His disciples the value of the Kingdom of God. As born-again believers we have access to the Kingdom of God through our born again spirits. The Kingdom of God is not a place “out there” somewhere on the other side of the planet Pluto. The Kingdom of heaven for the Christian is all around him or her in another realm Jesus called the Kingdom.
Jesus also said the “Kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21). Today many call the Kingdom of God the realm of the Spirit. In that Kingdom realm there is abundance, peace and fullness of joy. Again, Jesus said, “The good man out of the good treasure (thesaurus) of the heart bringeth forth good things.” Notice that treasure and heart live in the same location. Where you find one you always find the other. Your treasure is the birthplace of dreams, imaginations, and all things hoped for. It is the repository of all the elements that make up your future. From the treasure of the heart a good man will bring forth good things. Imagine the possibilities of all things possible to him that believeth.
Through prophetic imagination you can design your own virtual world. Gustav Klimt was a famous Austrian Art Nouveau painter. His painting “Portrait of a Lady in Red” sold at Christie’s auction house for $4 million dollars in 2001. He said, “Anyone who wants to know something about me ought to look carefully at my pictures.” God could surely say the same, “Anyone who wants to know more about Me should look at My pictures.” His grandeur is seen from mountaintop to mountaintop and from shining sea to shining sea.
What about you? What pictures are you painting in your life? Many are dreaming about one life while living another. If you are unhappy with your life there is a way to change your circumstances. I want to encourage you to dream again and envision yourself achieving something great. You can master plan your life by imagining something new and fresh then setting sensible goals for attainment. I can’t stress this enough, imagination without specific goals for achievement is vain fantasy. Go ahead, dream again. Scripture declares, “If God be for us, who can be against us?” Be specific and biblical with goal setting by writing your prophetic imagination down, making it plain so you can run toward your destiny.
God created you with a unique ability to see prophetic possibilities. We call that seeing capacity imagination.
Prophetic imagination inspires one to act, to try something different or to dream of better things.
Prophetic imaginations create theories, what ifs, innovations and views of possibilities. They help us come up with new ways to solve problems and succeed in life and ministry.
Your treasure is the repository of truth in your born-again spirit. It is the dwelling place of “all things possible,” the prophetic imagination. It is the storehouse of your dreams, imaginations and the blueprint of your future.
This short essay is out of my book “Imaginations: Dare to win the battle against your mind.” In the book we discuss:
- Why God gave you a prophetic imagination.
- How to defeat the fearful whispers in your mind.
- How to unravel Satan’s best spiritual warfare strategies.
- How to stop invisible opponents.
- How to see all things as possible.
- How to win imaginary conversations.
- How to walk where dreams live.
Your partner,
(c) Apostle Jonas Clark
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