Avoid Dark Sayings & Ambiguous Directive Prophecy

Dark Sayings And Prophetic ExperiencesGain spiritual astuteness to judge prophetic experiences and protect the flock. Our society is filled with those that come into our churches who have formerly opened themselves up to New Age mysticism, witchcraft, the occult, and spiritualism.

To protect the flock from false anointing and familiar spirits, there is a proper order in which the Holy Spirit likes to flow. When you understand this order you will compass biblical prophetic operations.

Mature prophets understand how to work within their prophetic calling. Scripture declares, "Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty" (2 Corinthians 3:17). That is not to say that one has the freedom to do just whatever he or she wants to do during a church service. The Word says, "Let all things be done decently and in order (taxis)."

Order, from the Greek word taxis we get our English word taxi. "Taxis" means an ordered flow. Those in prophetic ministry understand the meaning of taxis within prophetic operations and will avoid smooth sayings. 

There is personal prophecy that is nothing more than "smooth sayings," witchcraft or those prophesying out of their own imaginations. This should not be allowed within prophetic ministry. If it happens the leadership has the responsibility to correct it.

When the Holy Spirit speaks, for example, it will be expressly and whatever God reveals will be understood. To speak expressly means in a plain and definitive way.

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils" (1 Timothy 4:1). Much of this is occuring today.

To manifest the Holy Spirit through prophecy exalts the lordship of Christ, not man, and certanily not the prophet. Scripture declares, "For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy" (Revelation 19:10).

We urge extreme caution with ambiguous directive prophecy, visions, or dreams and encourage you to present them to your spiritual leadership to be judged. Your pastors offer a safety net with their biblical experience and spiritual astuteness. Avoid dark sayings.

Dark sayings are prophetic experiences, including dreams and visions that are difficult to understand. I am insistent that the Holy Spirit is capable of express communication.

Christ does not give revelation without the ability to grasp what He is saying. All spiritual experiences need to be judged, especially directive prophecy, dark sayings, dreams, and visions. This is called trying the spirits. 

Remember our God is not strange, weird or mystical. He speaks expressly. 

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Apostle Jonas Clark


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27 W Hallandale Bch Blvd. Hallandale, Fla 33009
Mon-Thursday from 9 AM - 5 PM
Phone: +1 954-456-4420
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