Your One Step Away From Your Breakthrough

Thou Shall Decree A Thing Job 22:28


Unlock the power of faith-filled words and experience God's blessings. Job 22:28 reminds us to use the power of God's word to manifest His desires and plan for our lives. Take action that supports His word and get into agreement with the Lord's will to realize His blessings. Job 22:28 is a powerful reminder of the power of faith and the power of the spoken word. It encourages us to use the power of God's word to manifest his purpose for our lives. The phrase "You shall decree a thing" means that you can use God's word to make something happen.

This verse is telling us that by speaking the word of faith, we can create a reality in line with God's plan and our desires. This power of words is an incredibly powerful tool to manifest our dreams and goals in Christ. The Bible is full of examples of people who used the power of God's word to create positive change in their lives.

Moses used God's word to part the Red Sea. Joshua used God's word to cause the walls of Jericho to fall. Jesus used his words to heal the sick, feed the multitudes, and even raise the dead. The power of God's word is an amazing thing, and Job 22:28 encourages us to use the power of God's word to create the life the Lord wants us to 

When we speak words of faith, we are using the power of God's word to create the reality of God's purpose for our lives. The power of words is undeniable, but it is important to remember that the words we speak have consequences. Our words can have a positive impact on our lives, but they can also have a negative impact.

As we use the power of God's word to create reality, we must be conscious of the words we speak. In addition to encouraging us to speak words of faith, Job 22:28 also encourages us to be mindful of our actions. Our actions can either work in tandem with God's word to create reality, or they can counteract God's word and make God's plan much harder to attain.

Job 22:28 is a reminder of the power of faith-filled words and the spoken word. It encourages us to use the power of God's word to manifest the kingdom of God in our lives. We should be mindful of God's word and take action that supports it. When we do this, we can get into agreement with the Lord's will and experience the blessings that come with it.

In conclusion, Job 22:28 is a powerful reminder of the power of faith and the power of the spoken word. It encourages us to use the power of His word to manifest His desires and plan for our lives. We should be mindful of God's word and take action that supports His word by decreeing something.

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Apostle Jonas Clark 


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