Your One Step Away From Your Breakthrough

Evil Spirit That Rebuilds What God Destroys

Evil Spirit That Rebuilds What God DestroysEvil spirits try to rebuild what God destroys. Seasoned prophetic ministers, prayer warriors, and intercessors root out, pull down, destroy and throw down demonic opposition through prayer. But there is a spirit that rebuilds what God destroys. This spirit was identified in the days of Elijah.

Remnant prayer warriors understand the various spiritual climates and demonic strongholds in their territories. The Apostle Paul made it clear that opposition to the culture of the kingdom of God was not against people but against demonic spirits that influenced the people. He wrote, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12).

The story of Elijah, Ahab, and Jezebel is well known. Today I want to point out another spirit that was mentioned during Elijah’s launch into ministry, the Hiel spirit. Hiel is a spirit that rebuilds what God has torn down.

“In his days did Hiel the Bethelite build Jericho: he laid the foundation thereof in Abiram his firstborn, and set up the gates thereof in his youngest son Segub, according to the word of the LORD, which he spake by Joshua the son of Nun.” (1 Kings 16:34)

Hiel was a Bethelite, who rebuilt the city of Jericho. You recall the testimony about Jericho during the leadership of Joshua. Jericho was the city that was “tightly shut up” but after following the instructions of the Lord the walls came down with only a shout.

For many prayer warriors, Jericho represents the place of spiritual warfare after a Jordan experience. Jordan is known as the place of baptisms (Matthew 3:5-11). Once saved and filled with the Holy Spirit you are ready for training in the word of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Not only does Christ fill you with dumamis power (Acts 1:8) he equips and sends you to spoil the enemy’s camp (John 20:21).

After Jericho fell Joshua prophesied a curse on the man that would rebuild its walls. Here is what was prophesied.

“And Joshua commanded them at that time, saying, ‘Cursed be the man before the LORD, that riseth up and buildeth this city Jericho: he shall lay the foundation thereof in his firstborn, and in his youngest son shall he set up the gates of it.’” (Joshua 6:26)

This prophetic curse against anyone that would try to rebuild what God had destroyed was famous. Everyone knew about it. I strongly expect that Hiel knew but didn’t care. Hiel rebuilt the city anyway dedicating the foundation (structure) and the gates (government) to his two sons. This rebellious act has spiritual significance. Here is a man that knew rebuilding Jericho would bring a curse on him and his family but he didn’t care.

This is interesting for prophetic ministers, prayer warriors, and intercessors because they practice “rooting out, pulling down, destroying, throwing down, building, and planting” through prayer (Jeremiah 1:10). So we discover the spirit of Hiel is a demonic opponent that seeks to rebuild what intercessors accomplish through prayer.

What we learn from Hiel’s life is this. Those operating by the Hiel spirit:

  • Know the Word of God but refuse to honor it.
  • Are willing to bring a curse on their lives.
  • Will draw their family into rebellion against God.
  • Will try and rebuild what God has destroyed.
  • Forms a political alliance with Ahab and Jezebel.
  • Is an enemy of prophetic ministry and prayer warriors.

We see the trappings of the Hiel spirit at work today. There are those who hate God and will do everything they can to rebuild those things which God has decreed as wrong. Such things as sexual morality, abortion, and homosexuality come to mind. Nevertheless, Christ has anointed you for such a time as this. Just as he sent Elijah to deal with the spiritual opposition of his day so too does God anoint to deal with the spiritual opposition today.

Be of good courage. Scripture declares, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you” (Luke 10:19). That includes the spirit of Hiel that tries to rebuild what God has destroyed. Joshua’s words are just as true today, “Cursed be the man before the LORD that riseth up and buildeth this city Jericho.”

Your partner,

(c) Apostle Jonas Clark

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