Your One Step Away From Your Breakthrough

Standing Firm Against Profane Prophets and Priests

Prophetic Ministry and The Prophet's Slippery Way

When prophets and priests cross the threshold of holiness, what do we do? Opening Paragraph: Christians are called to teach each generation the difference between the holy and the profane (Ezekiel 44:23). Today, all which God calls holy is under attack, and this is not the first time. In the Old Testament, God revealed to Jeremiah that His house was full of wicked prophets, priests, and corrupted ministers.


These compromising leaders were those called by God to minister to the people on behalf of the Lord. Surely this revelation of depravity grieved the man of God. Scripture says, “For both prophet and priest are profane; yea, in my house, have I found their wickedness, saith the Lord” (Jeremiah 23:11). It’s one thing to have godless politicians and celebrities promote immorality and quite another for wickedness to spread from the pulpits of the Church. 

The word profane means unclean, polluted, defiled, and corrupted. We see a measure of the same today. These prophets and priests crossed God’s holy threshold and entered the dark side of rebellion and sin. 

A threshold is a divider between two rooms. When you walk through the front door of your house, there is a metal threshold on the floor separating the outside from the inside. That's a threshold. There is a spiritual threshold that separates the Holy from the unholy. Ministers must stand as a light showing God’s people the way of truth. When one is profaned, however, they step across the threshold of holiness and enter the realm of the corrupted. 

This Scripture teaches that some prophets and priests abandoned Holy Spirit led ministry and crossed the boundary from holy living into ministerial malfeasance. They compromised.

Both prophets and priests were living in sin but didn’t quit their ministries instead they spread compromise and corruption throughout their network connections and everywhere they went. Their polluted messages advanced a deceptive and unholy mixture of truth and lies. The result was apathy, decay, and idolatry. These ministers could no longer teach the difference between the holy and the profane. We see this today.

This is the profane environment the spirit of Jezebel, false messengers, and gospel merchandisers flourish. This is the religious climate God sent Jeremiah. 

As a Disciple of Christ, you may face the same but take courage. Its not over yet. Scripture declares Christ is returning for a glorious Church one without spot or wrinkle. Dont get discouraged; nothing is taking God by surprise. He knows what to do. Put Him first in your life, study His Word, build your house on the rock, and stay plugged into a strong Spirit-filled church.

Your partner,

© Apostle Jonas Clark


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27 W Hallandale Bch Blvd. Hallandale, Fla 33009
Mon-Thursday from 9 AM - 5 PM
Phone: +1 954-456-4420
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