Your One Step Away From Your Breakthrough


THE LAW OF MUCH MORE 304Are you faithfully using the gifts and resources God has given you? The law of much more is found in Jesus' teaching in the Parable of the Talents. Christ said, "For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath" (Matthew 25:29).

This verse is teaching that those who are blessed with resources or talents should use them to the fullest and be generous with them, while those who are not as blessed should not be discouraged, as they may still be able to contribute something to the world.

In other words, those who have been given much should give much, and those who have been given little should still use what they have. Notice that God expects his disciples to do something with the gifts of God. For the one who is faithful, more is given, and for the unfaithful, what he has is taken away.

This is teaching us that God expects us to be faithful stewards of the gifts and resources He has given us. If we are faithful with what we have, then God will bless us with more. On the other hand, if we are not faithful with our gifts, then God may take away what we have.

This is a reminder to be wise and to use the things we have been given responsibly. This lesson is a reminder of faithfulness, stewardship, and being a doer of the word of God. It's not enough to say that you are a believer. Instead, you should be a disciple. A disciple is one who hears Christ's sayings and does them.

Further, there is a warning for the unprofitable servant. "And cast the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Matthew 25:30). This verse is a warning to those who are not faithful stewards of the gifts and resources God has given them. It states that those who do not use their gifts and resources to their fullest potential will be cast into outer darkness, which is a representation of eternal damnation.

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Apostle Jonas Clark 

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Mon-Thursday from 9 AM - 5 PM
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