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God's Condemnation of Sodomy

Gods Condemnation of Sodomy 304Are Sodomites condemned in Scripture? In the Bible, we find clear examples of God's condemnation of Sodomites and the practice of sodomy. From the story of Sodom and Gomorrah to the kings who purged their lands of Sodomites, the Scripture is clear that this behavior is an abomination to God.

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19 is often associated with homosexuality. In Scripture, the men of Sodom demand to know the whereabouts of two men who were actually angels sent by God. When the men of Sodom threaten to rape them, the angels strike the townsmen with blindness.

In the New Testament, Jude 1:7 describes the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah as having "given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh." This is often interpreted as referring to same-sex relations. In Romans 1:27, Paul states that those who practice such things are "worthy of death," and he goes on to describe the "degrading passions" of homosexual behavior.

Scripture condemns certain behaviors, including sodomy, saying, "There shall be no cult prostitute among the daughters of Israel, nor shall there be a cult prostitute (a sodomite) among the sons of Israel." "You shall not bring the hire of a harlot or the price of a dog (a sodomite) into the house of the Lord your God as payment of a vow, for both of these [the gift and the giver] are an abomination to the Lord your God" (Deuteronomy 23:17–18). This passage from Deuteronomy is part of a larger set of laws that prohibited certain types of behavior, including prostitution and male cultic prostitution (sodomy). The passage makes it clear that both the act of male cultic prostitution and the payment associated with it were considered an "abomination" to God.

This reflects the ancient Hebrew view that such behavior was not only immoral but also an offense to the holiness of God and His people. The passage also emphasizes the importance of not bringing the payment for such acts into a place of worship, as it is considered an insult to God.

King Asa was a wicked king who allowed sodomite prostitution. "And there were also sodomites in the land; and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the LORD cast out before the children of Israel" (1 Kings 14:24). This verse is part of a larger narrative that describes the wicked kings who ruled over the northern kingdom of Israel. It is specifically referring to King Asa, who was guilty of worshipping false gods and allowing immoral acts to take place in his kingdom.

This verse specifically mentions "Sodomites" as one of the abominations that he allowed. This is likely a reference to male cultic prostitution, which was an ancient practice in which male prostitutes would engage in sexual acts in the name of a false god. This practice was seen as an affront to the holiness of God and His people, and it was condemned in the Bible.

In contrast, Scripture shows that King Josiah purged the land of Sodomites. "And he broke down the houses of the Sodomites that were by the house of the LORD, where the women wove hangings for the grove" (2 Kings 23:7). This verse is part of a larger narrative about King Josiah, who was one of the last righteous kings of Judah.

Josiah was determined to rid the land of all forms of idolatry and false worship, so he destroyed all the places of worship used by the false gods and goddesses of the time. This included the "houses of the Sodomites," which were likely places of male cultic prostitution that were located near the temple of the Lord. This verse highlights the fact that Josiah was committed to purging the land of all forms of idolatry and false worship, including the immoral acts associated with the worship of false gods.

Jehoshaphat purged the land of the remnant of Sodomites: "And the remnant of the Sodomites, which remained in the days of his father Asa, he took out of the land" (1 Kings 22:46). Again, this verse is part of a larger narrative about King Jehoshaphat, who was the son of the wicked King Asa. Asa had allowed male cultic prostitution to take place in the land, but Jehoshaphat was determined to rid the land of such abominations. This verse highlights Jehoshaphat’s commitment to purging the land of all forms of idolatry and false worship, including the immoral acts associated with the worship of false gods. This included the "remnant of the Sodomites," which likely referred to any remaining male cultic prostitutes.

By removing these individuals from the land, Jehoshaphat was sending a clear message that such practices were unacceptable and would not be tolerated in his kingdom. In conclusion, it is clear from scripture that sodomy is a sin and an abomination to God. The Bible is clear that such behavior is worthy of condemnation and should be avoided. It is also clear that God is not tolerant of such behavior and that He expects His people to purge their land from sodomite influence. God's people are called to be holy, and any form of sexual immorality should be avoided. We should strive to live in holiness and honor God with our lives.

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