Your One Step Away From Your Breakthrough

Bible School Understanding Apostolic Ministry Training Online Course

Bible School Understanding Apostolic Ministry Training Online Course

Understanding Apostolic Ministry

Online Bible School Ministry Training


There are five different ascension gifts of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. All of these have a different anointing for a different purpose. When you understand the differences, you can benefit from the differences. This course will focus on the apostle’s grace, the apostolic model of ministry, transitioning into an apostolic structure, how Apostle Paul built an apostolic church and a dominant apostolic team, and how the Holy Spirit empowers you to enter the sent one apostolic dimension.

Welcome to the Understanding Apostolic Ministry and what it means to you eLearning course. Apostles see the church as the seat of governing authority, equip teams of sent ones, empower sons and daughters, and prepare believers for victory in high-level spiritual warfare and advancing the Kingdom of God. There are several words that best describe the apostles grace that you will experience including, build, restore, govern, and father. In this course, we start to develop these concepts which prepare you to mature in the ways of the Holy Spirit.

I’m excited you want to learn these truths. As you embrace an apostolic identity, you can participate in the restoration of all things, Christ's ministry as restoring king, and the royal priesthood of kings. Apostolic grace is different than pastoring grace. Most of us were raised in pastoral-only churches. This has hindered our spiritual growth, maturity, vision, spiritual strength, and ability to manifest the Kingdom of God. This course will help you see things you have not seen before.

The pattern for effective ministry has been rediscovered. A new move of the Holy Spirit has begun. It's called the apostolic revolution. The Holy Spirit used it to pioneer the most significant spiritual revolution of all time. Now you too can learn His truths. Now you can find your place in this God's eternal purpose for your life and ministry. This is the best apostolic foundational material that we could put together. You will not be disappointed. Get started today!



  • Rediscover the forgotten model of ministry the Holy Spirit used to turn the world upside down.
  • Understand why the Holy Ghost used believers to launch the greatest revolution of all time.
  • Learn why traditional ministry models are collapsing and what will replace them.
  • Know why apostolic believers think they can take over the world.
  • How to identify apostolic prototype ministries in your city.
  • Why demon powers fear apostolic believers.
  • Why apostolic ministry is not for the weak, apathetic and boring.
  • What makes apostolic believers different from everybody else.
  • Which spiritual gifts are “only activated" in apostolic believers.
  • How to progress through identity, confirmation, activation, apostolic, effectiveness.
  • Discover the benefits of joining the new apostolic revolution.
  • Why you need a spiritual father, the seven benefits, and how to find one.
  • How to survive a spiritual attack.
  • Learn how to live through trouble and have fun.
  • Discern a false apostle with 21 hard-hitting truths.
  • What to do when you feel like giving up.
  • How to move from disciple to spiritual son or daughter.
  • How the apostles taught believers to turn the world upside down.
  • How apostolic design empowers every believer for a breakthrough.
  • The importance of apostolic grace in times of spiritual warfare.
  • How to become a spiritual warrior, reformer, and prophetic strategists.
  • How to develop spiritual strength and capacity to reach the next level.
  • How apostolic restoration and reformation principles advance your calling.
  • What apostolic ministry means to you.
“Awesome Jonas, Thank you... not only does this bring light and understanding, but it confirms the Word that God has instructed us to take kingdoms and industries back for His work... RISE MIGHTY WARRIORS,... RISE!” Wim, Pretoria, South Africa
“This apostolic ministry course helped me survive many demonic attacks and understand spiritual gifts and apostolic design. I now understand what the apostolic reformation is all about and the reasons a pastoral-only model of ministry is not effective. The apostolic teaching is foundational in ministry today and has fully impacted me.” Robert, USA
“In this course, I learned how to enter the apostolic ministry as a believer. I had been wrongly taught that the work of the ministry was getting behind a pulpit. Now I know different. I also discovered the role of spiritual father and how to receive and benefit from one. I whole heartily embrace the New Testament apostolic ministry that Christ is building. I can now be sent as a victorious invader producing and taking dominion.” – Della, USA
“This apostolic e-course provided me with a biblical, applicable framework for Spirit-led living. It affirmed who I am, what my purpose in life is and how I fit into God’s plan. I discovered I had interpreted the Bible through a religious mindset causing some of my knowledge to be skewed, biased, tainted, and not in line with God’s blueprint or design. This course got me on the right track.” - Dominique, USA
“Thank you for shining some more light on the religious gatekeepers. I was aware of their moves and tactics to block the move of the Holy Ghost, especially when it showed how non-effective their method of leadership was and obsolete in promoting the power of the Holy Ghost. Many churches have become a feel-good club for a Sunday morning fix while hell is left undetected and unstopped. Blessings.” Samuel, Toronto, Canada
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Here's an image of what your online ministry training classroom looks like. A.E.I. Instructors and moderators are available through the online forum to answer questions as you advance through the learning experience.

Understanding Apostolic Ministry online ministry training course includes thirty-four apostolic class lessons, audio teachings, and reading reading assignments to help you catch the spirit of the module with online quizzes that monitor your progress and understanding of each lesson.


  1. Entering Apostolic Times
  2. The Forgotten Model Of Ministry
  3. Murdering Spirit Of Religion
  4. Breakthrough Believers
  5. Drawing On Apostolic Gifts
  6. Apostles, Prophets, And Presbytery
  7. False Prophets, Demonic Guards, And Territorial Opposition
  8. Seven Steps For Building Apostolic Teams
  9. Earmarks Of Apostolic Team Members And Ministries
  10. Reformers, Warriors, And Strategists
  11. Love, Leadership, And Correction
  12. The Seat Of Governing Authority
  13. Influencing Your World
  1. Changing Spiritual Climates
  2. Empowering the Remnant
  3. Arresting The Religious Spirit
  4. How to Press through Opposition and Hard Times
  5. The Most Uncommon Anointing
  6. Overcoming False Governments
  7. Cultivating a Governing Spirit
  8. The Believer’s Governing Nature
  9. Invade, Occupy, and Influence
  10. Keep Pursuing, Don't Stop!
  11. Carrying Kingdom Authority
  12. You are Designed for Dominion
  1. Sunday Morning Hour of Power: There's More
  2. Apostolic Restoration
  3. Avoiding Religious Gatekeepers
  4. Benefiting from Spiritual Fathers
  5. Apostolic Methods & Strategies
  6. Overcoming Demonic Teaching Spirits
  7. Leadership Training
  8. Spiritual Maturity & the Unity of the Faith
  9. God's Battling Kerux
  10. Fighting the Wiles of the Devil
  11. Unlocking Spiritual Authority
  12. Into the Nations

Ministry Training CertificateReceive an Apostolic Equipping Institute ministry training certificate suitable for framing after completing the course.

The ministry training certificate will be mailed to you upon completion of the e-course. This is a twelve-week e-course that you can complete at your own pace. Take your time or finish sooner if you can.


AIE Training Course

Each A.E.I. course includes e-books, pdf files, and mp3 audio downloads. (No books or cd's will be mailed.)

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27 W Hallandale Bch Blvd. Hallandale, Fla 33009
Mon-Thursday from 9 AM - 5 PM
Phone: +1 954-456-4420
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